2010 Audi R8 Left Outside for Five Years Restored: Here's How It Looks Like Now!

By Dabbie Davis

Dec 24, 2023 11:45 PM EST

(Photo : PEXELS/ Alexander Pöllinger)

The backstory of the 2010 Audi R8 uncovered by YouTube channels Detail Dane and WD Detailing comes to light. The 2010 Audi R8, a luxurious and powerful symbol of automotive excellence, belonged to the previous owner of the residence where it remained parked for an extended period. The turn of events that results to neglection for years was not a hindrance in restoring this vehicles prowess and power. With the right people and expertise, the story of this 2010 Audi R8 is like the phoenix.

The Condition: Restoration Seems Impossible

Originally permitted to occupy that space by the new homeowners, unforeseen circumstances like the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the car's unfortunate abandonment. In a remarkable story of automotive revival, Rj and Brent, the dynamic duo from WD Detailing on YouTube, chanced upon the black supercar outside an unoccupied house.

The 2010 Audi R8, renowned for its high-performance capabilities and sleek aesthetics, had languished in neglect, concealed beneath layers of dust and fallen leaves. Driven by a shared determination to resurrect this emblem of automotive magnificence, the duo diligently prepared for the monumental task, even acquiring a specialized trailer to ensure the luxury vehicle's safe transportation.

According to a report of Motor1.com, there were a lot of challenges in restoring this 2010 Audi R8. The Audi's unique air suspension system added further complexity to the situation. As depicted in the videos, this system was an early version, and the way its components were positioned in the front trunk made it challenging to access the R8's battery.

Consequently, the car's power was depleted, and later on, mice entered the scene, gnawing through the air lines of the suspension, causing the R8 to sink to the ground. Although initial attempts were made to extract the car, the battery and suspension problems proved to be formidable obstacles. Merely attempting to pull the car out, a course of action that would likely result in significant damage, was not a viable option.

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These only some of unimaginable things that happened with the Audi R8 in its 5 years in abandonment. Motor1.com contacted Detail Dane for an Audi update, which was favorable. The car was still in his workshop protected. The owner has intentions to proceed with the air ride repair and subsequently equip the car with snow tires to savor a Michigan winter.

Resurrected Audi

Motor1.com contacted Detail Dane for an Audi update, which was favorable. The car was still in his workshop protected. The owner has intentions to proceed with the air ride repair and subsequently equip the car with snow tires to savor a Michigan winter.

Meanwhile Motorious shared more details about this 2010 Audi R8's restoration journey. In the end, the grand reveal of the Audi R8's restoration left Bill, the owner, astounded. The car, once abandoned and left to deteriorate, had been revitalized, gleaming with a newfound radiance.

Bill's response, "I don't believe it looked this impressive when we initially acquired it. That's remarkable," aptly conveyed the triumph of the restoration. Still, the resurrection had some minor issues. Upon startup, the R8 emitted smoke from its engine, and revving it caused black smoke to billow from the exhausts. Despite these little difficulties, the Audi R8 triumphed, delighting all involved.

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