Tesla Supercharging Stations in Oak Brook Faces Frigid Weather, Owners Experience Disaster

By Dabbie Davis

Jan 17, 2024 10:35 PM EST

(Photo : PEXELS/Jérémy Glineur)

The cold stretch in Chicago continues, on Monday it was above zero temperature. Thus, bringing challenges to everyday routine and even driving to any destination. The freezing cold also affected Tesla Charging Stations in Oak Brook, making EV cars file up waiting for their turn to be charged. Some owners reportedly cannot fathom waiting in the cold weather and left their cars at the public charging stations.

EV Problems: Tesla Supercharging Stations

In a recent accounts, it was revealed that many Tesla drivers encountered difficulties while attempting to charge their electric cars at a Tesla Supercharger station situated in Oak Brook, Illinois. As temperatures plummeted to well below freezing in this Chicago suburb for the first time in a while, the circumstances became increasingly challenging.

EV owners shared their predicament. As shared on Fox News, Tyler Beard, a Tesla owner, voiced his frustration, stating, he has no power left, still showing zero percent. His efforts to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station had been ongoing since Sunday afternoon.

He went on to mention that he spent a total of three hours at the station for two consecutive days. Furthermore, reports had it that one Tesla owner named Chalis Mizelle described this incident as a disaster.

Mizelle had to leave her car behind and rely on a friend for transportation because her Tesla EV wouldn't charge at the Tesla Supercharging Station.

What Could Gone Wrong During Freezing Temp

The Byte said that those problems mentioned can happen not only to Tesla EVs. These reported incidents involving Tesla Supercharging Stations not only highlights disadvantages of owning an EV. Moreover, such problems can also occur with other EV brands.

One major reason is EV batteries drain faster during freezing temperatures. The report also stated that, Tesla has been attempting to alter this narrative by using a "diversion team" to cancel range-related appointments with unhappy customers, according to a Reuters report from last summer.

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Numerous complaints were linked to Tesla vehicles' susceptibility to cold weather. In freezing temperatures, not only does charging take longer, but some electric vehicle owners are also taken aback when they discover the extent to which their car's driving range is affected by winter weather.

According to Axios, a study conducted by Recurrent on 18 popular electric vehicle models, it was determined that, on average, their driving range decreased to approximately 70% in extremely cold weather.

Additionally, Recurrent's findings revealed that, in cold weather, all vehicles experience reduced efficiency, but electric vehicles are greatly affected. This is because the energy required to both run the electric vehicle and heat the cabin reduces its driving range significantly.

Meanwhile, reports shared that this concern prompted Consumer Reports to conduct an investigation in the previous year due to worries about notable differences in the performance of various electric cars during cold weather conditions.

Concurrently, the federal government is offering a $7,500 federal tax credit, a financial incentive that contributed to a record-breaking 1.2 million EV sales last year.

As a preventive measure, certain electric vehicle manufacturers have incorporated heat pump technology to minimize effects of the intense cold weather.

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